Dear Sunna,I hope this email finds you well.Sorry for the delay, I had to travel to Japan and Sri Lanka for two important projects since we last spoke. We recently hosted the Mercedes Climate Fellows in India through our climate fellowship program for 16-28 year olds worldwide ( a few key things about Bucketlist Iceland below, hoping to hear from you soon.--**We have three upcoming projects in Iceland scheduled for (woohoo)**October 15-22, 2023October 25-November 1, 2023November 3-November 9, 2023

The Roadmap

Day 1: Reykjavik

Day 2: Hella

Day 3: Vik

Day 4: Vik

Day 5: Fludir (Golden Circle)

Day 6: Fludir

Day 7: Reykjavik

Day 8: End

Here's what we have already sortedOur SUVs and hotels are booked. We are working with Blue Car Rental for cars and Center Hotels, Loa's Nest, Barn Vik & Blue Hotel Fludir for our stay. We are confident that we can continue these partnerships for next year too. Most of the experience vendors we are in touch with are also good to go, so no stress there.

Here's where we need your help (really) • We're looking for someone with great vibes who can co-host our adventures in Iceland 5-6 times a year. • We need to connect with a tour guide for the upcoming projects in Oct/Nov, and hope to establish a long-term relationship with them. • We would love to work with someone who is aligned with our vision and values.As you have a zoomed in perspective on Iceland and have hosted events there (still blows my mind), can you help us find this amazing on-ground resource?

Lastly, and most importantly, I know you lead a dual life in two countries. I would love to have you join us as our guest on any of these dates if you are in Iceland, or we can come hang out with you for coffee. If you want to co-facilitate any of these dates, we can make that happen too. Let's keep the window open.With Gratitude,

Short Blurb on what we are looking for in our local liaison